Investments Every Traveller Should Make


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If you’re going to travel the world, you’re going to have to make sure that you have everything you need packed in order to have a good time. Of course, you’re going to want to pack as lightly as possible in order to avoid fees at the airport and to make life easier for yourself when you’re carrying your bags. But there are a few things that you shouldn’t go without and that you should make sure you have in your inventory. Here are a few that you should take into consideration.

Travel Insurance

You should always have travel insurance if you’re heading away and make sure that you always carry your travel insurance documentation around with you. The number of travelers who head away without taking out travel insurance is shocking. Remember that travel insurance is so much more than protecting your belongings - even though it is important to protect your belongings when you’re away. It will also cover your medical bills if anything were to happen to you while you’re away - whether that’s an accident, injury or sickness - and will ensure that you don’t slip into medical debt at any point. You’d be surprised just how much medical bills overseas could cost! This is more than worth the investment.

A First Aid Kit

Hopefully, you don’t find yourself in a situation where you need a first aid kit, but it is something you should carry at all times while travelling. Your first aid kit can come pre-filled or you can make one of your own. Items to include could be:

  • Plasters (including waterproof plasters)
  • Gauze dressings
  • Microporous tape
  • Sterile eye dressings
  • An eye rinse kit
  • Triangular bandages
  • Safety pins
  • Tweezers
  • Disposable gloves

Also include basic medication, such as re-hydration sachets, over the counter painkillers, antihistamines and anything else you might use relatively regularly.


Make sure you’ve got sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV rays and to make sure you’re not impacted by excessively bright surroundings. These are particularly important if you’re going on a beach holiday or a ski break. You can browse a big selection here! It’s generally best to take two pairs, so you have a spare if your first pair break or get lost.

Sunscreen and Insect Repellant

Sunscreen and insect repellant are another essential. You don’t want your break ruined by a sunburn or itchy insect bites. Plus, mosquito bites could prove dangerous, so avoiding them in the first place is best! Try out different brands to find ones that you like. Remember different sun creams and oils have different textures and scents, so trying them out can make sure you’re happy with them before investing!

These are just a few essentials that you need to take along with you. There are, of course, plenty more, but this list should get you off to the best start possible with your packing!

Investments Every Traveller Should Make Investments Every Traveller Should Make Reviewed by Shelly Viajera Travel on 2.10.20 Rating: 5

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